I have no idea where to even begin. There is so much rage inside me that is making me sick, tired and suicidal. How in the fuck is this country suppose to be a superpower when the president and all the other politicians in Washington are running it into the ground. Can't these morons see that the way things are going is not best for the country. Politics is one subject that really sets me off. Does anybody else see that the blood sucking assholes in D.C. do things for themselves. They vote , pass bills, push policies and line their pockets for people that pay the most. Lobbyists are nothing more than bribers and blackmailers that work for huge corporations that "donate" money to certain causes, their causes. The governor of Illinois that got busted for selling seats, government positions, did nothing that all other people in his position do except he actually talked about it and said that is what he did. Government is way too big and corrupt.
Our society is a fucking joke. Actors get treated like they are royalty, they are people that are arrogant, ignorant and self centered. They make millions not for being a productive part of society but for "acting" like someone else. And then they have award shows where they pat themselves on the backs and give themselves meaningless awards. Egotistical pieces of shit that want to be recognized for acting....give me a fucking break.
Athletes, mostly NFL players are another group of worthless people that are over paid and mostly uneducated. These guys make millions for playing a game. Once a week they play a game and on an average they play for 15 minutes. The owners and players need a reality check. I say a player should get paid a base salary of $60,000.00 and then across the line incentives. Each position has a set of incentives they have to obtain to get bonuses, kind of like a video game where you need to do certain things to get points. It is called "Pay to Play". No more million dollar bonuses or salaries. These guys get hurt they still get paid, no medical bills, nothing comes out of their pockets. Its the players salaries and the ugly ass stadiums they build these days that keep ticket prices so fucking high that the real die hard fans can only go to one game a year if they are lucky. To take a family of four to a Cowboys game will cost around $1,000.00, that includes tickets , parking, drinks and food. If you want memorabilia add another $200-$300.
And then there are our teachers. These people are the ones that teach our children, are with them more than we are and yet they get paid like shit !!!! Teachers sometimes know our kids better than we do. They see how they interact with others, how they behave in social networks and their intelligence level. There is something seriously wrong in this country when an athlete, performer or actor makes a hell of a lot more than our teachers. This is the same for daycare providers. Teachers can connect with our kids in ways that parents cannot. I remember teachers that seemed to go out of their way to help me when my parents were just too damn lazy to, or they didn't see my struggles. One of those teachers was Mrs. Cynthia Jopling. She was a math teacher that I had during middle school and then she went to teach high school and I had her there too. She was a great teacher and I will never forget her. She took time to pull me aside not only to help with math but also to be there when she noticed something bothering me. I would never miss her class, even though going to class I hated, I never missed hers. She deserved more.
The military is not what it use to be. The military use to be a group of guys that were there because they wanted to be there not because they couldn't find a job like today. I met many people when I was in the Navy and most of them were good people. However, there were a few that were total fucking morons that I know couldn't do a thing in the real world so they joined the military and became "somebody". Still morons but now they had a purpose. I wouldn't help these people if they were on fire, let the morons burn. I shall name a few.....Petty Officer Wharmon, I think he was a Quartermaster or something. This guy was a total piece of shit. He is the kind of guy that tells on people in school, got his ass beat everyday, ran his mouth because he was a physically big person but a pussy with no heart or balls and a kiss ass. The captain of our ship, Lt.Cmdr. Bankert. This sawed off piece of shit was about 5' 2" on his tallest day and reminded me of the ooompa loom-pa's. Another dweeb that used his authority because as a kid he always got pushed around and now its payback from the puppet sized dick-face. The military is full of under achievers, dipshits and losers in society.
The world needs cleansing and soon it will happen. Look around at all the natural disasters that are occurring. Massive floods, hurricanes, fire, earthquakes, tsunamis, famine and more that will happen soon. People are so caught up in what they have and how they look to others to realize that soon it won't matter. Materialistic garbage has taken the place of friendships, conversations and being human. Cell phones are good for emergencies. But the asshole that think they are special in this world kill people because they are driving while texting or talking. Cell phones are hardly used as phones with all this bullshit on them. Applications for games and whatnot. Technology is killing the human race.
People lived longer and worked harder than now because there wasn't all this lazy technology nor all the pharmaceutical companies pushing there drugs. Listen to one of the hundreds of drug commercials on t.v. and the side effects are worse and more damaging then the illness being treated. My great grand parents lived on a working ranch from the time they where kids until they died, my great grandmother was in here 90's when she died. They didn't take medicines like we do today, they walked more, worked harder physically and lived off the land. Today people pump medicines in there bodies, eat crappy food and barely get enough exercise.
I could go on for days about how fucked up this world is but everyone already knows this, but they choose to do nothing about it. Our country is crap, its not the country I would serve for now. Government is way too big and unregulated, unless you count them regulating themselves. One day soon this is all going to end...........standing on the stairway to heaven, I know when I reach the altar that I have a seat with God.
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