Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Keeping stride with the mind of reason in an out of control society is like walking an alligator through a minefield using a spaghetti strand for a leash. Nothing seems to be making sense in this world except selling out for power and money. You will be almost totally unsuccessful at finding a large company that is employee dedicated or friendly. Yeah sure in the beginning it all seems nice until the head honchos see their bonuses dwindling down to a measly million or so. The first thing the “company” cut was giving out turkeys for Thanksgiving followed by pink slips for Christmas. However, on the infield of the NASCAR tracks, the Zamboni on the Hockey rink, the many sponsored sporting events through out the year there is this same company spending hundreds of million on advertising. Their responses to these are it’s a tax write off!

Companies want good hard working loyal employees yet they treat them like dirt when things get tough. A certain office is shutting down which will leave around 100 people without jobs this year. I can understand it if there is a downsizing that has to happen, but the company just hired 15 – 20 temps to work at an office not five miles away, and to make things worse the rest of the jobs are being outsourced to India. It’s a typical move for sorry ass companies these days. If I were in charge of this nation I would make it very expensive for companies to move out of America to foreign soil just to pay cheaper labor. In port taxes would be insane, all imports would have to have factory inspections and legitimate paperwork to ensure safety and humane working conditions. Sending jobs over seas and putting “our” people out of work is not the answer.

One thing that strikes me as ironic is that people that work in fast food are sometimes stereo typed as stupid, uneducated or lazy. The irony in this is we never have had a McDonalds or Wendy’s fire people because they are shutting down and moving to Pakistan!

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